Tag Archives: Tony Robbins

Create Lasting Results

Never Mind Resolutions – Create Lasting Results (Thoughts from Tony Robbins Podcast 1-3-20)

Everyone will want change at some point in their life. Whether it be more love, to lose weight, a better relationship, a better job, to break a habit, etc.

We post resolutions at NYE or any point during the year. We create in essence a ‘wish list’ of what we want to become, what we seek, what we desire.

As Tony put it, change is automatic….progress is not. Change will & does happen yet progress is a path to your achievement. Tony outlined the following steps to creating lasting change:

  1. Get clear on your vision. What excites you? Be specific, have it measurable, and make sure it lights your fire to overcome any obstacles.
    1. “Push” requires willpower, effort, and sometimes gives way to hurdles
    2. “Pull” guides you towards your vision. It excites you and pulls you toward accomplishment
  2. What purpose is your vision?
    1. Reasons come first…..answers come second
  3. Massive Action Plan
    1. What needs to happen to make it happen? (Ex: Trying to lose weight?….cut out the morning fat filled Starbucks)
    2. Do something in the moment of your vision towards your vision. I.e., While you are “In State” do two things towards your vision (Ex: Throw out the potato chips, throw out the cigarettes, etc)
    3. 80/20 rule: 20% of action produces 80% of results. Do get stuck on doing something….just DO something!
  4. Put rituals in place
    1. What gives you consistency to make your vision a reality
    2. Create daily little habits contributing to your vision
    3. Be “In State” and do two things

In an earlier podcasts I listened to (which I will address later), I was moved on a new vision in my life. Two podcasts later and Tony Robbins’ message spoke to me: Be In State and do two things. Writing about his podcast and what it spoke to me is the first thing, I’m off to accomplish the second thing.

Progress….it happens two things at a time. 🙂

Until next time…..
~Destiny is your choice~