About Me

<Any re-use of my material is not welcomed for professional and/or monetary gain.  Usage may only come in perhaps the enlightenment of someone’s journey from within>

Maybe viewed as a simple guy, inside the real me you will find someone with an increasing thirst to unlock my potential.

My purpose of my blog is to simply get on ‘paper’ some of the thoughts rattling around in my head.     Rarely will I go back and read what I wrote but maybe someday I will and see the journey I’ve been on.

Born in Blackwell, OK, my path has landed me in my current city of Great Bend, KS.   I have been blessed to work in education and around 18-20 year old ‘kids’ for the past 21 years.  Most recently in the past eight years I’ve been even more blessed to work on the sports side of the collegiate life, getting to know student-athletes.  My experiences add interesting perspectives to my own life which I’m sure I’ll share from time to time.

My journey is a blessed journey…with faith the Universe & God will continue to lead me to where I need to be.

If you are still reading and wish to contact me, I can be reached at kshusker68@gmail.com HOWEVER….please put in your subject line the two words (Refocus and Renew) so I know you are real and not spam 🙂

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