Random thoughts of the past week

The past week or so have enlightened and awaken me to many things in my life.   The biggest reason is because of Joe Vitale’s “The Missing Secret” who I attribute a lot of my thoughts.

I know I won’t recall everything or every thought of the past week or so but want to at least skim the surface on what’s been whirling around my mind.

Success:  Each person has and should have their OWN definition of success.  What bothers me, both within my own self and others, is the excuses we come up with to not be achieving our ‘success’.   Working in an education and athletic environment, I have heard a long line of excuses from people.   My immediate internal response is do something about it quit making excuses! haha!  As I heard in the Missing Secret that Viatale quoted someone (the author’s name escapes me)…”the cause of success is withing the individual”.  Wow how true that statement is and causes a deep pause within myself as I, just like others, have limited myself BECAUSE of myself!  It’s not because of where I’m from, who my parents are, where I went to school, how tall I am, etc etc…..but because I have been my one and only roadblock to success!  ME….how could I do this to my own self! haha

“What happens in your life isn’t as important as the meaning you give it”.  As Vitale pointed out, regardless of what happens in our life, it is never the reality of what we have made the situation.  ‘Life’ goes on, we all have bumps and bruises, but it goes on.  How we react to what happens is 10X more meaningful than the what we think of the situation.

Piggy backin on those same thoughts, “the meaning you give something reveals your beliefs”.   Think about that one for a second….think of what meaning you give things…does it reveal a belief you have about it?  Of course it does….the key is to stop and listen and evaluate whether your belief(s) are good beliefs in your personal growth?

have great ideas but never follow through?  I’m definitely like that! I have TONS of great ideas but don’t use the energy of the idea to propel me forward.   By not acting now, the momentum and energy of the idea subsides leading to not getting it done.   There is no failure except for not doing something.  Note to self…..Get er done!

That’s all for now….have many many more thoughts on the past week.  I have a lot of personal growth ahead…but at least I’m moving forward! 🙂

~Destiny is your choice~

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