Paying Attention

Ever stop to take a look at what you are focusing on? Whether it me in the moment, within the last hour, before you go to bed, or perhaps what is the first thing you think of when you wake up?

“Thoughts become things” is a quote that has stuck in my mind. Apologies to the creator of this phrase as he/she slips my mind, but I find it very useful.

I was listening to a podcast today “RISE Podcast by Rachel Hollis” called “How to overcome Distractions in Work and Life” her guest was Curt Steinhorst (author of “Can I Have Your Attention”). In the podcast, amongst other things, he stated “Tell me what you pay attention to and I’ll tell you who you are”.

This hit home to me just like the thoughts become things quote. I really have to evaluate what it is I pay attention to. Or in other words, what am I giving my time (and attention) to.

If friends and family were to answer this question, I’m 99.9% sure the answer would be “WORK” lol.

To make it more clear, I am a very dedicated employee who gives everything I can to not only do my job (that my employer pays me to do), but to also help make my employer better. A strength indeed, but can also be a flaw in me as a person.

I don’t always focus on work, but admittedly it is a big part of life. I do think about other things, goals and aspirations primarily, but I haven’t given it the majority of my time. Or better yet, when I’ve given it my time, my attention to making it a reality has not been what it needs to be.

My drive to and from Denver to visit dear friends whom I affectionately call my second family, always provides me quality “me” time. Six hours each way to think…to dive deeper into my soul….to listen to podcasts or audio books. *I just finished up Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Malz & Dan Kennedy (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED). So as I finished up the audio book I stumbled across Rachel Hollis’ podcasts (which I also highly recommend).

Many thoughts, that always occur on this six hour voyage, race through my mind and Steinhorst’ quote being one of them. So I ask myself, what am I paying attention to?

Hollis also had another good podcast “This Daily Practice Changed My Life”. In this she talked about the 10-10-1 approach she uses each and every day. I’ll spare the details but in a nutshell, what are 10 dreams you have for in ten years (what do you want to look like, be like, lifestyle, etc in 10 years), what are your 10 goals to get you there, and what is your 1 goal to help get you there. In other words, dream big then lay out actions steps to get there. But the key I took from her teaching, is to simply and focus on one goal. Put your focus/attention on one thing…as the focus on achieving that one goal will have you on your way to achieving your dreams.

As always, my posts are my ramblings to get my thoughts wrote down. There is soooo much more rattling around in my head but I hate to write (haha) so I paraphrase.

My assignment: Evaluate where I want to be in 10 years. What goals do I have? And what goal do I set my ATTENTION to and make it my focus?

And don’t worry my current employer, I won’t let you down either. I’m simply just making a more well-rounded and adjusted person to help make you a better company as well 🙂

Until next time…..


~Destiny is your choice~

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