Fear is learned

Fear is learned……a deep thought.

Ever notice how little kids are usually never scared of anything?  No fear to jump off the back of the couch, to slide down the stairs on their saucer sled,  or to ride ‘100 miles an hour’ on their bike down a hill.

Would we do such things as adults?  Probably not, and perhaps for many more sensible reasons, but fear is most likely a reason we don’t do a lot of things.

Brings up some interesting questions….when and where did we learn about fear?  Is it just we are more sensible now? Think more logically….like ‘oh, I can’t slide down the stairs because I’ll break an arm or put a hole in the wall’…..or is it the fear of breaking an arm or putting a hole in the wall that keeps us from sliding down the stairs.   A little kid isn’t scared….yet he also doesn’t think about possible scenarios if things go wrong.

Had a visit with a friend about scary things like bungee jumping, roller coasters, parasailing, etc….and ‘the fear’ of what might happen if something went wrong became the conversation.   Is it practicality, sensibility, or fear that keeps us from trying things like the aforementioned?

Did we learn to be scared?……or were we genetically inclined to be scared of heights, scared of jumping off tall things, scared to take chances…….

~Destiny is your choice~