Interesting how I deal with strategic decisions at least weekly regarding various areas of responsibility, and/or have ‘counseled’ others in his/her life to take a strategic approach yet it’s been awhile since I’m mapped out a strategy for my own life.
Coming off the extended Memorial Day Weekend, I finally had a chance to have a little ‘me’ time. I realized how much I have deprived myself….of me. Busy in my professional life then in my little personal time, I’ve used it in helping others and basically other things that haven’t been progressive in my aspirations.
Today is a re-start to my strategy. Changing/interrupting my current pattern will be the first task at hand as ‘habits’ are a tough beast to break but must be done to move forward otherwise we are simply treading. A good strategy in setting out to accomplish any task/goal/aspiration is the ultimate definition of strategy: A consistent way of getting the result that you want.
Let the fun begin! 🙂
Until next time….Destiny is your choice.